Thursday, September 7, 2017

Keeping Up

Talking With Wannabe Writers - Two weeks ago I was at an event selling books with other local authors. As is often the case a few, would be authors, stopped by to chat, asking about writing or publishing, and many other things concerned with putting together and selling a  book. I never mind talking to people wishing to write, as long as they don’t keep me from selling a few books. I always start with the same question, have you written your book yet? More often than not the answer is, “no.”
Writing and Fame - Seems like too many people think that writing a book will make them rich and famous, or at least one of the two. Not many would want to actually be in my shoes, write multiple books and make a hundred dollars, or a couple of hundred a month, most months. As for fame, that is an interesting question. Sometimes I am treated like a bit of a local celebrity, other times I am just, “that other guy who wrote some books about something.” Either is fine with me. I enjoy writing, I like the stories.
Story Teller - During my years (all 42 of them) as a high school teacher I was told by various staff members that it was easy for me to teach. “You are a natural storyteller, you don’t have to work at it like I do.” Or something similar. At first, I was not sure what to think of that kind of a statement. Later in my career, I took it as a compliment. I’m a storyteller, that’s why I write.
What I’m Working On – In the past week I wrote 2,000 words on the fourth in the series of my children’s chapter books. I also wrote about that much on my new, tongue in cheek, nonfiction book I have tentatively titled, On Turning 70. My third in the series of Western Mysteries, is also coming along fine, research finished, and another 600 words this week.
Keep on reading and keep on writing.  Have a super weekend.

Favorite writing quote I ran across this week

When in doubt, have a man come through the door with a gun in his hand. Raymond Chandler

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