Monday, January 14, 2019

Words on Paper

Making significant progress on WIP, I am about a third of the way through my projected number of pages. This will be my third Blade Holmes western mystery, not sure how many more will follow, maybe one more - then on to some new characters.

So far the big winter storms are all missing us here in Eastern Wyoming - now we are getting to a point we could really use some snow. I don't mind the snow, just hate shoveling.
Mule Deer in self-made frame

I am still struggling with cold and flu, seems the older I get, the longer it holds on. I did get some writing done last week, about 4,500 words, not a bad week. I still have too many days, three in a row now for the second time in January, when I wrote zero. I told my wife if we got rich, not likely when we are long retired, we would snowbird for a few months each year and see if I would feel better.

Book sales look about like I feel lately, not so good! Pages read still going reasonably well though, about average for me.

One thing I can always look forward to is spring, seems I always perk up that time of year.

This evening we are enjoying a terrific movie - Richard Dreyfull age 71, and Chevy Chase age 75, In The Last Laugh, at my age 70 it is a lot of fun. 
Prairie Dog checking out the December sun

Did get out with my camera a couple times last weeks, although I will admit, all photos were taken while sitting in my pickup. No walking - and I need some exercise/

Enough rambling - enjoy the week.

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