Wednesday, May 27, 2015

My Characters Have Become My Friends

I am doing my final read-through of my historical fiction novel, Commitment. ( I call it a western mystery) Then it goes off for edit and then to my readers.

When I finished I wondered what happened to several of characters from the novel, I also wanted to know what was going to happen next. Looks like I will need to write a second book with my main character, Blade Holmes.
Laramie Range - The setting for my historical fiction novel
Reminds me of Terry Brooks who said in his, Lessons From A Writing Life, “ If you do not ever wonder what happened to your characters after you stopped writing about them, you did not care enough about them in the first place and do not deserve to know”.

1 comment:

Pat, Marcus & Alexis said...

I often feel that way about the characters I read about in histories. I wonder what became of them later. So often, a person's later history is omitted.