Monday, April 20, 2015

The Publishing Experience

For my long time readers, all of you well know, from past blog posts, that I have written several books. (Five complete, four others nearly so) After much urging to, “just put them out there,” I decided to publish three of my books on Create Space and Kindle and see what it is like.

 I have read so much about dedicating a full day to load a book on both, especially if you are a first timer like me. Well, they weren’t wrong. It is a chore, and it does take time. I started the process Friday and worked many hours on both Saturday and Sunday. Here it is Monday and I am still working. But I am getting there.

Now I am back to editing, again. How could I miss some of that stuff? I also had a very good first reader look them over and mark them up. And we both missed a few things, small but significant.  
What have I learned so far? A book with many photos takes a lot of work. My soon to be released, The Civilian Conservation Corps & the Building of Guernsey State Park, has 200 photos. The Kindle edition is especially difficult as the site takes quite a long time to load. They do warn you it will take a while and it does. The problem with all these photos is that they appear different in different readers and are different with each text size the reader chooses. Still came out pretty good even if an occasional caption comes up on the top of the next page. Not odd with electronic readers.

As far as the Create Space books, I am waiting for my review copies but they looked great in the reviewer. Overall I enjoyed working with both Create Space and Kindle Publishing. Good sites and most helpful step by step guides.
After a hard day of work we went out for a drive
This is a view of the historic gatehouse at Guernsey State Park

1 comment:

Oscar Case said...

I haven't put any pictures in a book yet, mainly because it takes a lot of time. I like Create Space. My last book, I just typed it into their format then proofed it before I was ready to post.